Connect the Droplit system with Amazon's managed cloud platform.
Install the AWS IoT Conduit on the Droplit Portal
- On the Droplit portal, navigate to the Connectivity page via the sidebar, and select AWS IoT.
- Select Install.
- Open a new tab before moving on to the next section; you will be filling in the blank fields with information obtained later on.

The connectivity page for the AWS IoT conduit on the Droplit portal immediately after it is first installed.
Integrate AWS IoT with the Droplit System
- Login to Amazon's AWS console
Choose a Lambda Function and Region
- On the AWS console, under Compute, select Lambda.
- Under the sidebar, select Functions.
- Chose a lambda function, and paste its name into the Lambda Function Name field on the AWS IoT integration page on the Droplit portal.
- On the Droplit portal, fill in the Lambda Function Region as it best pertains to the chosen Lambda function.
AWS IAM Credentials
- On the AWS console, under Security, Identity & Compliance, select IAM.
- Under the sidebar, select, Users.
- Either select the user whose credentials are to be used, or create a new user.
- From the user's Summary page, select the Security credentials tab.
- If the secret of an existing access key is known, that key may be used. Otherwise, select Create access key.
- Copy the desired Access key ID and corresponding Secret access key, and paste them into their respective fields in the Droplit portal.

The "Security credentials" tab on the chosen user's Summary page within the AWS IAM management console.
- On the Droplit portal, select Save & apply to finish configuring the conduit.

The AWS IoT connectivity page on the Droplit portal with all its fields correctly populated.
Using the Outbound Lambda Function with Droplit Access Tokens
On the Droplit portal AWS IoT page, there is the option to generate access tokens. These tokens are to be distributed to users so that they may use the Outbound Lambda Function via the Droplit system.

The AWS IoT connectivity page on the Droplit portal with two access tokens created.